A downloadable asset pack

A short walk through the forest turns into an unexpected horror experience.

The more you look, the more you see.

Uncanny Pixels is a short Horror game experience where you walk from point A to B. There are hidden strange things in the forest, which you will only see if you pay attention. The experience gets more freaky the more you look. 

The story is simple, you want to reach the top of the hill, but this time things seem to have changed. You find weird things and creepy things start appearing. Can you reach the end?

About this project -

I wanted to make a short Pixel art horror game with no jumpscares, only the creepy feeling you create yourself. I wanted to explore the Uncanny Valley side of horror and I wanted to find if you could create that experience with Pixel art alone.

This is more an art project than a game project, where I focused almost solely on the Pixelart and the horror I can create with it.

Feel free to download the Zip file with the whole Unity project and sprites, see what you can come up with! 


PixelArtHorrorAsset.rar 193 MB

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